1. Participating in Group Sports Can Offset High Stress and Contribute to Academic Competence 

A new study found that having an active sporting hobby offset stress and contributed to academic competence even during the COVID-19 lockdowns. The effect was calculated during the so-called two weeks to flatten the curve, and the researchers believe the observed effect was robust enough to be applicable in future periods of societal disruption.

Researchers at the University of Waterloo found that participation in activities such as fitness classes and drop-in sports before the pandemic was linked to lower levels of stress and higher levels of perceived competence to handle challenges and master school workload during the lockdown.

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2. Calf born with unique smiley face marking finds forever home

Happy the calf was born on the Bellbrook Holsteins farm in Ripplebrook, in West Gippsland, Australia, on March 10 and was considered extra special, not only because he is cute, but he has three spots on his side that form the shape of a smiley face.

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3. North Carolina Church Raises Thousands to Pay Off Cafeteria Lunch Debt For Every County School


A church in Gastonia took care of thousands of dollars in student lunch debt in Gaston County Schools. Now Dickie Spargo, City Church’s lead pastor, hopes this “generosity is contagious.” Recently, Spargo and his wife Tammy read an article about the large number of students in the state with outstanding meal debt. The pair called on the church community to help. “We want(ed) to show the love of Jesus in a real way that meets the needs of people,” Spargo told the Charlotte Observer.


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