1. Residents Raise 15k for Beloved Milkman

Grateful residents have raised thousands for a popular milkman who is retiring after nearly half a century. They’re helping him out until his state pension kicks in next year.

Mick Tutton has been delivering jugs to doorsteps in the neighborhood of St. Michaels in St Albans, a historic town 25 miles north of London, England, since 1976.

Known as ‘Mick the Milk’, the community saw him as much more than only a cheery milkman—he was the unofficial security guard, a social worker, football pundit, and cheerleader for local residents.

But the 65-year-old decided to take the opportunity to retire after his decades-old electric milk truck broke down beyond repair.

When local residents heard he was retiring they arranged a special fundraising night at the local pub and raised $20,000 (£15,280) as a retirement present.

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2. Fossil Hunter Finds 4-Foot-Long Mammoth Tusk Sitting in Plain Sight

A 33-year-old paleontologist is celebrating a mammoth discovery after finding a four-foot-long tusk in a quarry 90 miles north of London.

Jamie Jordan spied the 450,000 year-old steppe mammoth tusk last week while on a routine visit to a local quarry where he often leads groups on fossil-finding tours.

The incredible find from the last ice age has now been taken to Jamie’s Fossils Galore centre in March, Cambridgeshire, where he will carry out research and preservation.

3. Vacant Office Near D.C. Turns Into Indoor Farm–Using Empty Buildings to Grow Food

Arlington, Virginia is like a gateway to the city of Washington D.C. Part of the Metro line, but across the Potomac, it’s nevertheless a busy area and not the kind of place you’d expect to be able to get minutes-old, farm-fresh produce.

But Area 2 Farms is growing greens, herbs, and root vegetables in a vertical farm thanks to the dearth of traditional office tenants. With high-rise office space remaining vacant even after the end of the pandemic, landlords are open to ideas.

Jackie Potter and Tyler Baras pitched the idea of an indoor farm and it was obviously a good one because Area 2 is already well-established in the Arlington area such that they offer subscription delivery of fresh veggies to fellow urbanites starting at $40 per week.

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