71 days….When the Week Kicks Your…

Problems are messages. ~Shakti Gawain~ Some days are good, and others are not.  It is the balance of life.  I understand that.  But for all the miles I have traveled, and all the lessons I have learned, it never ceases to surprise me when a day sucks me into a deep...

85 Days-What Challenges Me Changes Me…

Image courtesy of Google ImagesIf it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you. ~Fred Devito~ Okay, 85 days left in our 100 day challenge.  And, I am learning so much. We are still super committed to the 100 day challenge, but let’s just say we...

Day 93-Love Thyself

Clear your mind of can’t. -Samuel Johnson Hitting the first week mark of the 100 day JOLT challenge, and we are still going strong. It feels good to have set a goal, and even better to have shared it with you all.  Putting it out there makes it real for me, and makes...