The Dangerous Game of Woulda, Shoulda, Coulda…

The Dangerous Game of Woulda, Shoulda, Coulda…

Woulda. Coulda. Shoulda. If I can be completely honest, those three fabricated words drive me nuts. Three words that actually sum up what is wrong with the world these days. We keep looking back hoping to fix what’s in front of us. Shortly after Stephen died, a...
The Power of Remembrance

The Power of Remembrance

  At first, the grief overwhelms you.  But with time and tears, you can transform your pain into remembrance.  And with that act, you illuminate the person you lost, allowing others to experience the beauty of their spirit….So they live on.  ~Kelly S....

Random Acts of JOLT-Join the Movement!

Each time I perform an act of kindness, a part of me heals. ~Lupi Ngcayisa~ Rough on one side and smooth on the other…just like the balance of life. Place it in your hand, resting between your thumb and index finger and hold it…let it remind you that there...