I wanted to send you a quick note to check-in and to update you on my work.
I’ve been working on some new things and needed to focus on my family and health. I wanted to send you a quick note to check-in and to update you on my work.
My apologies to all of you for the interruption in emails. I’ve been working on some new things and needed to focus on my family and health.

The truth of the matter is over a year ago, I had a serious injury to my back, which left me with permanent nerve damage and mobility issues. And to be honest, I was a bit surprised that I was not as resilient as I thought I was when confronted with accepting this physical challenge. In fact, I threw myself a big old pity party.

During that time, I couldn’t get off the floor, let alone write a word of a Blog. I just needed time. We’ve all been there, something knocks you off your feet, and it takes you a while to get back up. But the main thing is you do get back up. I’ve been working my butt off to figure out a question I have pondered since 2009. How can sadness and happiness coexist together, and how can we create authentic grateful lives during such a sad and tumultuous time.

But the main thing is you do get back up.

Cue 2020. I’m sure you feel the effects of this global pandemic and unrest in so many countries.

It’s difficult to articulate the weight of the loss that the world has witnessed as a result of COVID-19. Having worked with bereaved families for years, the idea of not being able to say goodbye to your loved ones before they pass is heartbreaking. Covid-19 has reminded us how precious life truly is and how we must take care of ourselves and our neighbors.

Couple this horrendous virus with the continued social unrest that we see on the news every night, and it becomes evident that the noise of the world is deafening now. It’s been very loud for some years now.

I haven’t known what to do with that noise. I have learned to survive by becoming still in a world that is anything but. How can JOLT help in a moment like this? How can I possibly ask you to find one little thing to be grateful for when there’s so much uncertainty?

So I went back to basics. What have I learned about the power of JOLT?

  • I know that living a life of gratitude will bring you more peace and joy than if you didn’t.
  • I know that looking for one little thing over time will completely change your perspective on life.
  • I know that living a JOLT life will help you see that you still have blessings all around you, even in the darkest times. Do you want science to back it up? Your brain is starving for a positive conversation. Think and speak differently about your life, and your neural pathways will change.
  • I started JOLT after the death of my beautiful boy, Stephen Patrick. It saved me. It did not change the pain of my loss, but I do believe it minimized my suffering.
  • JOLT is not just about death and loss. It’s also about choosing to rise above one’s circumstances. I have connected with Rehab clinics, schools, hospitals, and support groups worldwide in the past ten years. We’re all looking for a little hope.
  • JOLT is also a verb: Do you know that you can and should JOLT someone? It takes little effort to do something nice, be kind to a stranger, or stand up for the voiceless. Initially, you used JOLT to build gratitude, even in difficult times. Now, it’s time to take what you’ve learned and spread the word because this world will never get any better until we do our part.
This is about lifting each other up. This is about sharing hope and in a sometimes hopeless world. JOLT is about challenging the deceptive narrative that we will never be able to find common ground.

Together, we can actively send positivity and hope out into a hurting world. Many of you have been with me from the beginning. I now and call on you to be ambassadors for JOLT. Give me your suggestions on how we can continue to spread the word, tell me your thoughts about what you would like to see more of in email or our social media pages. Let every person who sees your kind eyes above your masked face leave you hopeful for the future. We have to stick together.

Let every person who sees your kind eyes above your masked face leave you hopeful for the future.

Having had some time away, it feels good to be connecting with you again. It feels good to be sitting in a chair and not on the floor! 🙂

Over the next few weeks, I am working with my team to finish some big projects. Your Daily JOLTS will restart on October 1st, as will all other posts.

Here’s what I would like you to do:

  • What would you like to see in your inbox going forward? Quotes? Longer emails? Clips of recent blog posts? Product sales?
  • If you were boss of the world (which, by the way, I heard you were…), what would you do to heal a broken world? What unique beauty do you bring to the table? I can sometimes feel like this work is just a drop in a bucket. But what if your unique voice is the very one needed at this moment?
  • Examine your life. How can you promote Unity? Do you see people in your community who need help?
  • Do you have a story to share with JOLT? Pitch an idea for a guest blog post or interview. The strength in JOLT has always been the people. Our JOLT Family.
  • Finally, I would like to ask you for your help. how can we spread the message of JOLT far and wide? How can we comfort the brokenhearted and inspire hope in the hearts of everyone we meet?

The world is loud. But your voice, our collective voices, need to be part of this critical discussion about our world.

I look forward to hearing from you!

With Gratitude,
